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Parking Permits

Students who park in Osseo Area Learning Center's student parking lot must have a parking permit. Students have a one-week grace period to apply for a permit and have the permit displayed in their car before incurring fines.


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Parking expectations

  • The school parking lots are school property and all school rules will be enforced at all times.
  • Parking permits are not transferable and not refundable.
  • Students may park only in designated parking spots and only with a valid permit. The permit must be displayed in clear view (hanging from the rear-view mirror, on the dashboard by the steering wheel, or on a sticker on the windshield).
  • Students are not to park in the staff or bus zones.
  • Students are expected to be respectful of all parking lot staff, other vehicles and other students.
  • Students must drive in accordance with the traffic laws and in a responsible manner.
  • Students are not to give, sell or copy their parking permit for another student.
  • Any chemical or tobacco violations will result in the loss of parking privileges for the rest of the school year in addition to any applicable school or police consequences.
  • For safety purposes, students must exit the parking lot after school by following the established procedure.
  • Students who arrive late to school or exhibit truancy issues may lose their privilege to park at school.
  • Student parking is a privilege, not a right. Students involved in violating school expectations may have their permit revoked, their car towed, and/or receive school consequences. 
  • Osseo Area Learning Center and Osseo Area Schools cannot be held responsible if theft, vandalism or accidental damage occurs. If properly used, the parking lot will be an uncluttered and safe place for students to drive and park.

Vehicle search

By entering the school parking lot, the person driving any vehicle is deemed to consent to complete search of the vehicle upon any reasonable suspicion. Such search may be conducted by school officials or by law enforcement officers at school request. If any person in the car other than the driver is the current custodian of the vehicle, consent to search is deemed given by the custodian also.

The area of search will include the entire passenger compartment, engine compartment, trunk and undercarriage, and all containers therein, locked or unlocked. Any student vehicle parked on student grounds may be subject to random canine searches. Staff may also search the vehicle if there is reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules.